The Eastern Region
The Eastern Region of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., was formed in 1933. All Regional Directors including the first Eastern Regional Director were elected at the first National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois August 18 – 20, 1933. The first regional director of the Eastern Region was Florence K. Williamson Norman, Gamma Chapter. The decision to hold regional conferences and establish regional boundaries was made at the fourth National Convention in New York City, 1936. Shortly after, on held April 24-25, 1937, the Eastern Region held its first regional conference at the YWCA in Philadelphia, PA
Since 1937, the Eastern Region has been an integral part of Iota’s growth and development. In the words of past Eastern Regional Director Beatrice Crawford, Beta Omicron “Sorors of the Eastern Region have demonstrated throughout the entire history of Iota that we are dedicated to the goals and aspirations of the sorority – that we assertively work diligently to promote the activities of the sorority – that we are creative in our approach to sorority tasks – and that we have the love of God in our hearts….” Following are the known achievements and contributions that this region has made to humankind in the name of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated

The first handbook for Regional Directors was compiled by Soror Florence Madison Hill, Beta Omicron, in 1945.
The first workbook for Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.; was compiled and issued by the Director of Education, Soror Evelyn D. Wilkey, Kappa in 1949
The first hotel National Convention - Prior to the mid-1950s, African Americans could not hold a convention in a major hotel in the United States due to segregation laws. That changed August 22-26, 1953, when Beta Omicron Chapter, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania hosted the 24th National Convention at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel.
Iota’s Founders’ Song – was written in 1971 by Soror Marguerite Harvey, a charter member of Gamma Chapter
The Tutorial Project--The project was conceived by Soror Doris Browning Austin, Kappa, and implemented in 1976 by sorors of Kappa Chapter. In 1978, the National Body approved its inclusion in Iota’s National Projects
The first off-shore Regional Conference— the 42nd Eastern Regional Conference, April 25-29, 1979 was held under the stewardship of Eastern Regional Director Beatrice E. Crawford, Beta Omicron in San Juan, Puerto Rico
First sorority and Region to organize a Greek letter chapter in the Caribbean Islands. Thanks to Soror May Richardson, Delta Gamma Undergraduate Chapter, Morgan State University, who upon graduation from college, returned to St. Thomas and organized twelve women in 1980 and became Epsilon Zeta Chapter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA.
First Undergraduate Guide was written by Fannie B. Poulson (Kappa) at the request of the National President, Evelyn S. Peevy (1983-1985). Used as a work tool for undergraduate chapters.
Developed and implemented the Career Exploration program – Fannie Poulson, Kappa Chapter - which was later approved by the National Body for inclusion in Iota’s National Projects.
Two sorors from the Eastern Region – Sorors Thelma Daily-Stout and Beryl Allen of Omicron Chapter- were instrumental in representing Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., and becoming the first to serve on the executive board of the United Nations Non-Governmental Board.
Developed the first “First Timer’s Song” by Regional Director Soror Cora Delle Henderson, Beta.
First region to develop the “Delegate Seating”
Fannie Poulson, and Evelyn B. Faulk, Kappa Chapter, Developed the first uniform report forms, workbooks and other Iota tools needed to expedite business. All were adopted by the national body to be used at the National level.
First to develop the IMAP program by Soror Ruth Swann. Successfully implemented by national.
The Litany for Founder’s Day – was written by Soror Jean P. East, Gamma Chapter, June 2004
As Iota grew, the Eastern Region has been the home of six (6) National Presidents/White Rose Queens: 3rd National President, Jeanne Scott Rhodes, Pi Chapter, 1950-1954; 4th National President Marion H. Jackson, Gamma Chapter, 1954-1958; 5th National President, Florence Madison Hill, Beta Omicron, 1958-1962; 12th National President, Dr. Evelyn Sears Peevy, Alpha Chi Chapter, 1983-1985; 19th National President, Charlotte M. Maull, 2003-2007 and the 20th National President, Dr. Doris Browning Austin, Kappa Chapter, 2007-2011.
National Award winners from the Eastern Region

The Eastern Region includes Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Saint Thomas, VI, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. There are currently 14 chapters and 419 active & financial sorors in the Eastern Region.

​87th Eastern Regional Conference in USVI 2024
Joint Founders Day– June 1, 2024 – Chapters: Gamma Zeta, Zeta Chi, Gamma Delta, Alpha Chi, Epsilon Eta and Zeta Rho