National Scholarships
Annually Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. offers opportunities for young scholars in middle and high school to participate in American Education Week through the Evelyn D. Wilkey Essay Contest. The essay contest is administered through the local chapters of Iota Phi Lambda and a theme is chosen each year on the National level. Scholars also have an opportunity to apply for one or more of our 4 National Scholarships - Fredda Witherspoon, Future Iota Leaders (FIL), Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Memorial, and Alice P. Allen. Each scholarship application must be sponsored by a local chapter.
The organization also offers once a year, for a financial soror to apply for the Fellowship Award. The purpose of the Fellowship Award is to give sorors the opportunity to study while receiving financial assistance for undergraduate, graduate or special study.
Below outlines the essay and scholarships deadlines and award amounts.

Evelyn D. Wilkey National Essay
Essays are due by December 30th of the year.
Award Amounts
1st Place $500
2nd Place $250
3rd Place $100 for both middle and high school winners
Fredda Witherspoon National Scholarship
Applications are due by January 31st of the year. Each chapter can submit an applicant. Female applicants only.
Award Amounts
$8000 one (1) top winner
$3000 for four (4) winners spread
to remaining regions

National FIL Scholarship
Applications are due by February 28th of the year. Male or Female applicants.
Award Amounts
$2000 one (1) winner
Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Scholarship
Applications are due by March 15th of the
year. Male or Female applicants.
Award Amounts
$2000 one (1) winner

Alice P. Allen Scholarship
Applications are due by April 1st of the year. Female applicants only.
Award Amounts
$2000 one (1) winner
Iota Fellowship
Applications are due by December 15th of the year.
Sorors with a minimum of 3 years of membership can apply.
Award Amounts
Award Amount - $2000