The Southern Region

The Southern Region of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. boasts a rich history of exceptional leadership and significant organizational contributions.
Foundational Years
The region's story begins with Soror Odessa P. Williams of Delta Chapter in Atlanta, Georgia, who served as the inaugural Southern Regional Director in 1934. Her instrumental role in shaping the sorority is evident in her contributions to the first publication of the Iota Phi Lambda Sorority history and handbook. Under her guidance, the region expanded by establishing the first undergraduate chapters, Mu and Nu, in 1935.

Growth and Impact
Recognized as the "veins carrying the lifeblood of the sorority," Southern Regional Directors played a pivotal role in the organization's development. The first Southern Regional Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1937 marked a significant milestone.
The region's influence extended to the national level. Two Southern Region members, Alice P. Allen and Ossie Ware Mitchell of Alpha Eta Chapter in Birmingham, Alabama, served as National President. Additionally, Phyllis Shumate of Rho Chapter, Durham, North Carolina, held the position of National President.
A Legacy of Excellence, the Southern Region's legacy
includes two living White Rose Queens: Dr. Priscilla Thomas, Nu Chapter, and Phyllis Shumate, Rho Chapter. It also includes numerous past National Officers and past Regionals who continue contributing actively to the sorority.
The Southern Region's history is a testament to its members' dedication, vision, and leadership. Their contributions have profoundly impacted Iota Phi Lambda